Shed Shingles
New England, Catskill, Signature, and KidzSpace series all come standard with dimensional, 30-year fiberglass shingles for the highest quality shed roofs. All are available in the following colors.
Metal Roofing
In 28-gauge steel and eight dramatic colors, these steel shed roofs are a great look.
Roofing the Right Way

Six-inch fascia makes the difference with its substantial look, and it more closely matches most houses. Inside, look for metal truss plates, our standard practice for our shed roofs. If you see scrap wood there in sheds from other builders, you might want to think twice about the quality of their sheds.
What makes the difference in most models is the shed roofline and pitch, so begin by making this choice. Match your house or go for a contrast. The pitch of a shed roof affects both the look of the barn and its inside volume. Most houses and barns are gable roofed, but gambrel and shed roofs are widely used for accessory buildings. They always look right, too.